Quickie Update – More Level Building!

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to do another quickie update to know I’m still here! Work continues on the game and I’m still planning on putting together a demo – however before I can start the demo I need to lock down a date for the actress I’m going to be working with to record a certain enemy animation. That actress is my wife. Wish me luck.

In the meantime I’m continuing to chip away at building out the actual levels for the game. Yesterday I finished another area in the game – so now I have two areas down and 14 rooms competed (out of 200 rooms). Only 86 more rooms to go! LOL.

I wish I had more to say to about the process right now, but frankly a lot of the work is just rinse and repeat really. Now that I have all the sketches in places the work mainly consists of laying down floors, walls and platforms and then placing enemies and environmental obstacles around. I’m also fixing glitches I’m finding as I progress along the way.

I’ll probably have a bigger post and more multi-media to show once we record the enemy animations I’m waiting on and then it will demo construction time!

Exciting stuff!

In the meantime I’ll keep chipping away at it every day!


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