Quickie Update – Still Here! Level Build out Continues

Hey All! Just a real quick update as I realized I haven’t written a blog post in months – progress continues!

I haven’t really written anything because there haven’t been any super big updates to talk about. I’m knee deep currently in the process of actually building out the levels/rooms for the game. Currently I’m doing about one room a day. So with a little under 200 rooms to do this is basically be the state that I’ll be in for the next several months.

Overall, things are progressing nicely, but there probably won’t be a bunch of new stuff to write about until I’m through that process.

I had previously mentioned that I was thinking about releasing a demo for the game, but I think I’m on the fence now about that. As I’m discovering, as the game and level build out progressing, there are certain things I’m deciding to change in it in terms of design. So far nothing particularly significant – but in case I do decided to make a big change at some point as I’m going through this process, I don’t want to “bait and switch” people who might play a demo.

I could definitely see a demo coming out at some point in the future, but I think I need to get more of the game down solid in terms of the flow and level design before I’m confident enough to do that.

Either way, that’s about all progress for now. I shall continue to build out the rooms everyday and once that’s done it’s going to be a lot of testing and playing to get down the game flow after all the rooms are created. And then there will be about a billion other steps after that.



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