Levels Completed and Name Change


Levels and Rooms are Go!

So after working almost a year on this process (or at least what felt like almost a year), I’ve finally put together all of the rooms and levels for the game. Phew!

I’m not sure what the final end number is for the rooms as I haven’t counted them, but it’s a bit under 200. The original room count I had sketched out was 200, but I ended up combing some of them. If I had to guess off the top of my head it’s probably somewhere around 185 rooms I guess? Somewhere between 180 to 190? A whole bunch.

Needless to say this is a major milestone so going to take a moment to celebrate it and then it’s back to the grindstone. There’s still tons and tons of work left to do – the biggest task of all likely is going to be making the backgrounds for all of the rooms, though that’s going to come a bit later down the road.

First task up next is fixing bugs I’ve discovered in the process of the making the rooms and levels and then running through all of the rooms and levels over and over again and adjusting things. Once that process is done then it’s on to making some more animations, doing some more writing, fiddling with menus and save points and then doing backgrounds.

The final step in the process of everything is probably going to be making the cut scenes and recording the other actors who will be NPCs. It’s gonna still be years before this project is done, but I really do feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment over how far it’s come. Getting the rooms completed is a major stepping point.

Name Change!

In other big news I think I’ve settled on a new name for the game! For now at least…

As I mentioned in the previous blog post, I discovered there’s another game that exists with a name very similar to “Lair of the Insect God”, so I want to change the name as to not confuse anyone.

So after much mulling I’ve decided for the time being to change the name to “OBEY THE INSECT GOD”. As always, until actual launch date, this name is very subject to change. In fact this is actually the 2nd name change the game has gone through so far (originally I was just going to call it “Insect God”). I’m also going to be changing the name of the main character … I think? Who knows. Lots of wonderful strange things left to discover in this process.

That’s the update for now! I’ve posted some more video of the game on my personal Instagram linked to in the footer, so check it out!

Thanks all!


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