Levels and Menus


Hi All! So I’ve decided I wanted to start trying to do occasional “quickie” updates – where I just quickly give an update on the current stat of things with no frill or pictures. Something I could quickly write out in like 10 – 15 minutes for a bit more consistency with the blog. I’m still planning on doing the normal “longer” posts, but those by their nature take me a bit of time to put together, so this is my attempt to do something faster and more frequenct

First Level Constructed!

Last we left off I was working on putting together the initial rooms that will make up the first “level” (or area, or segment, whatever you want to call it) of the game. This is completed! Putting the actual level together wasn’t that hard because of all the prep work I had already done, so a lot of it was running through the level over and over again and adjusting things.

Having built the first level in completion was a really good first step too because it showed me a bunch of stuff I needed to change with how the structure of the game is from the back end – particularly when it comes to transferring the player in-between rooms, in between levels, accessing save points and enter menus.

All of this ultimately led me to redoing the camera for the game and completely revisioning how the architecture of the “scenes” or “nodes” (as they are called in Godot” are laid out. It took a while but ended up being real important stuff.

Thoughts on a Demo

After going through the experience of building out the first level, the game menus and the save features – i realized there is still a lot left to learn about how the game is going to need to be structured form a back end stand point.

As such, I’m actually contemplating putting a hold on building out further levels and just focusing on getting this one level completely finished and then releasing it as a demo – to see how other people’s computers react to it when they play it. I figure now is a good to get all of this setup and figured out in terms of issues when I’m just dealing with one level, rather than working to build out everything for every level, discover there was a major issues, then having to go back and change everything for all 200 levels in the game – yikes!

So this is my current thinking – not guaranteed yet I’ll do this as there is still a lot to figure out – including backgrounds and cut scenes for the game. But I think this may be the correct direction.

Exciting stuff!

Ok, that’s all for this quickie update, as always feel free to follow along with my posts on my social media accounts, linked in the foots.


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