Backgrounds Completed!

December 19, 2024

Long time no see everyone! Big update to make today! After close to 9 months of work I have finally completed the backgrounds for all the rooms and levels in the game!

This is a step I’ve been dreading to for years as I wasn’t sure I could pull it off, but I’m happy to say after getting a flow of things the work is completed! What that also means is that I have a mostly functional came at this point too. Man what a journey.

We are coming onto 5 years since the start of the project in March of 2025 and after all this time I can say that I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. There is still a tremendous amount of work left to be done, but man is getting to this point an accomplishment.

Next steps from here are going to be recording some additional animations for a couple enemy types (my wife is going to be doing the recordings for those), then it’s fixing more bugs, make updates to sound effects, making music and then the next real big task is going to be working on cut scenes!

Exciting stuff ahead, looking forward to sharing more things as we progress!
